We're Raising Awareness of Topical Steroid Withdrawal and campaigning for change.
Doctors to educate patients on the risks of using Topical Steroids, including the Withdrawal. No more repeat prescriptions and self medication of Topical Steroid Creams.
Labelling & Transparency
Topical Steroid Cream Packaging must include strength and toxicity gradings, along with a clear warning on the effects of the use and misuse of Topical Steroid Creams.
No more gas lighting. Doctors must recognise and diagnose TSW to allow patients to begin recovery, as opposed to further aggravating the condition via the prescription of more steroids.
What's the plan?
Grab a TSWAwareness.Org T-shirt to help spread awareness to others. 100% of funds go to our Spread the Word Campaigns.
Spread the Word
Provide advice and guidance to the public of the dangers of Topical Steroids through Social Media campaigns, Billboards and more.
We're continuously reaching out to the government for change, and will continue to spread the word ourselves until those changes are made.
Rock a TSWAwareness.Org t-shirt and help spread the word.
Helping to answer some common questions
There is little literature to support people with TSW, find out more about Topical Steroid Withdrawal.
What is TSW?
A multitude of severe symptoms following the withdrawal from the use of Topical Steroid Creams.
Can I make a full recovery?
Yes! Your body is amazing and will likely recover to how your skin was before Topical Steroid addiction
What are the symptoms?
TSW presents various serious symptoms that can last months or even years in some individuals
Why have I never heard of this?
Unfortunately the NHS does not currently fully recognise or diagnose TSW in patients.
TSW has been the most tormenting, painful and difficult time of my life. Bedbound, I lost my income, independence, mental health and watching my 2 year old son grow up. I started TSWAwareness.org to helpĀ others avoid this entirely preventable suffering.
Founder TSWAwareness.Org
Useful resources for further information
The ITSAN Facebook Group is a community of tens of thousands of people and a great forum for support. Join the group or visit their website at https://www.itsan.org.
Caregivers Support
A Facebook group, this time aiming to provide supports to those fantastic individuals who are helping support somebody through TSW at this moment in time.
Scratchthat.org.uk is an excellent resource with an abundance of support for individuals or caregivers of TSW.
TSW Assist
TSW Assist is a helpful resource to help better understand the condition through statistics insights gained from the input of many individuals who have suffered from TSW.
About us
We are campaigning for the change in the guidance and usage of Topical Steroids.
The use of Topical Steroid Creams can result in Topical Steroid Withdrawal; a debilitating condition that can last months or years. Physical symptoms include full body inflammation and oozing, nerve pain, insomnia, hair loss and other severe symptoms. TSW is preventable with improved guidance and awareness of Topical Steroids.